Breaking Barriers in Rural Health
Breaking Barriers in Rural Health is a limited series podcast that shares what is working in rural health care and mental health services and discussing ways to replicate these successes. We're also shining sunlight where it is needed by identifying breakdowns and gaps in care. Ultimately, we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of our rural health care communities and anyone listening in on this podcast.
Podcasting since 2023 • 9 episodes
Breaking Barriers in Rural Health
Latest Episodes
Improving Emotional and Social Well-Being with Childhood Mental Health Consultations
In this episode, we sit with Flora McCormick and learn about Project Launch and early childhood mental health consultations (ECMHCs), and how they are combatting the social isolation of the pandemic to provide the best possible social and emoti...
Season 1
Episode 9

Reducing Teen Suicide with Peer Prevention
We speak with teachers, middle school and high school students from Lockwood, Montana, about how Hope Squad has empowered them to take a more proactive role in preventing suicide in their schools. Learn how education, training and open discussi...
Season 1
Episode 8

Uniting Communities to Support Counter Drug Efforts
In this episode, our guests Capt. Kimberly Westfall and Tech Sgt. Elijah Gutierrez of the Alaska National Guard’s Counter Drug Support Program explain that, while vulnerabilities often exist in rural drug treatment and harm reduction, a number ...
Season 1
Episode 7

Connecting Social Services to Improve Harm Reduction
We talk with Dr. Sarah Spencer and Annette Hubbard of the Ninilchik Traditional Council to discuss how connecting social services like Child Protective Services, local food banks, police and sheriff departments with each other can lead to warm ...
Season 1
Episode 6

Incentivizing Treatment for Stimulant Use Disorder
We talk with Tammera Nauts from the Montana Primary Care Association about how Montana is one of only three states to implement a contingency management program for stimulant use disorder. Called Treatment of Users of Stimulants, or TRUST, this...
Season 1
Episode 5